A Jew can be "secular"? I say "secular" in the full sense of "lay", since I have often noticed that many critics of Christianity or Islam call themselves "lay," while in the end they are discovered - by their very admission - to belong to the Jewish community. So their criticism of other religions is a little "hairy". On the other hand, I have met several Jews with whom I have been friends, which show great mental openness and often do not hesitate to define themselves as "atheists" or at least "agnostic ones", so from an intellectual point of view they could be called "lay".
The fact is that the religion of Jews, that is, Judaism, is not a philosophical-elective religion in the sense of thought, and therefore open to all. Judaism is essentially an ethnic tradition, which is handed down among the members of the Jewish people, that is to say, born of a family or particularly of a Jewish woman. The Jewish people and Judaism are therefore a whole inseparable.
As is the case, for example, in Hinduism, where brahmins from the doctrinal point of view can belong to several sects of the Sanatana Dharma, can be vaishanava, shivait, shakta, and even atheist nihilists, but they continue to maintain the Brahminic genetic tradition (marrying and reproducing only among brahmins).
And then when does a Jew stop to belong to Judaism or a brahmin to his caste, in addition to elective intellectual renunciation?
The answer is simple: the moment when it also abandons the genetic tradition of marriage and reproduction within its "ethnicity" or caste. Since there is no ascendancy-descendence, the genetic characteristics are scuffled and the traces dispersed along with the cultural ones are slowly remixed.
Of course some dominant features remain (as a genetic message). But the sense of belonging to the ethnic group disappears. In a way, this renunciation to the "gens" is what the ancient Romans did, that being originally Etruscans, Sabies, Faliscian and Latin, etc. renounced their "genetic family" to recognize themselves in the new Roman citizenship and culture.
But the example of the Romans is not to be considered "universal" and definitive since they rejected their previous tribal origins but did not merge with "humanity" in the broad sense. They only changed their sense of belonging. So it goes without saying that true "laicity" must occur in the total rejoining with the "humanity" leaving aside any other identification with religions, ethnicities, races or other.
This is exactly my case. My paternal grandparents were both of Jewish origin, the "pure", not the Ashkenazite, which is made up of converted Turcomanians in the year 1000 (see http: //www.circolovegetarianocalcata.it/2013/12/25/storia - as-and-born-the-Zionism-or-if-Jews-are non-Jewish-but-Khazari-converts /) and which, by logic rigor, are not of Semitic Jewish origin, but during Fascism renounced their identity, perhaps to save their skin or for similar reasons. Their children, including my father, married goyim women, breaking the genetic continuity, and I in turn continued on this path of detachment. From which it can be stated that my Jewish ascendancy descendance amount almost to nothing. It remains-as mentioned above- only some genetic features: the big nose and a little pointed, speculative intelligence and other socks I'm not mentioning.
This also wants to be an invitation, addressed to truly "lay" Jews, to dissolve themselves in the humanity to which we all belong indistinctly. Beyond any ethnic component. Recognizing us therefore in the common matrix of the species and erasing every vestige of "race" which, among other things, also from the scientific anthropological point of view, has no consistency. In fact, science has now established that there is only one human species and so-called "races" do not exist, being nothing but the result of an adaptation of human populations that have evolved into certain environments and climate.
Someone, among the traditional Jews, could argue that "Judaism as a religion would also disappear." Indeed, what a true "lay man" wishes to humanity is the disappearance of every religion and the rediscovery of "the spirituality common to all", the natural one, without distinction of sorts ...
Paolo D'Arpini - Lay Spirituality Committee
As is the case, for example, in Hinduism, where brahmins from the doctrinal point of view can belong to several sects of the Sanatana Dharma, can be vaishanava, shivait, shakta, and even atheist nihilists, but they continue to maintain the Brahminic genetic tradition (marrying and reproducing only among brahmins).
And then when does a Jew stop to belong to Judaism or a brahmin to his caste, in addition to elective intellectual renunciation?
The answer is simple: the moment when it also abandons the genetic tradition of marriage and reproduction within its "ethnicity" or caste. Since there is no ascendancy-descendence, the genetic characteristics are scuffled and the traces dispersed along with the cultural ones are slowly remixed.
Of course some dominant features remain (as a genetic message). But the sense of belonging to the ethnic group disappears. In a way, this renunciation to the "gens" is what the ancient Romans did, that being originally Etruscans, Sabies, Faliscian and Latin, etc. renounced their "genetic family" to recognize themselves in the new Roman citizenship and culture.
But the example of the Romans is not to be considered "universal" and definitive since they rejected their previous tribal origins but did not merge with "humanity" in the broad sense. They only changed their sense of belonging. So it goes without saying that true "laicity" must occur in the total rejoining with the "humanity" leaving aside any other identification with religions, ethnicities, races or other.
This is exactly my case. My paternal grandparents were both of Jewish origin, the "pure", not the Ashkenazite, which is made up of converted Turcomanians in the year 1000 (see http: //www.circolovegetarianocalcata.it/2013/12/25/storia - as-and-born-the-Zionism-or-if-Jews-are non-Jewish-but-Khazari-converts /) and which, by logic rigor, are not of Semitic Jewish origin, but during Fascism renounced their identity, perhaps to save their skin or for similar reasons. Their children, including my father, married goyim women, breaking the genetic continuity, and I in turn continued on this path of detachment. From which it can be stated that my Jewish ascendancy descendance amount almost to nothing. It remains-as mentioned above- only some genetic features: the big nose and a little pointed, speculative intelligence and other socks I'm not mentioning.
This also wants to be an invitation, addressed to truly "lay" Jews, to dissolve themselves in the humanity to which we all belong indistinctly. Beyond any ethnic component. Recognizing us therefore in the common matrix of the species and erasing every vestige of "race" which, among other things, also from the scientific anthropological point of view, has no consistency. In fact, science has now established that there is only one human species and so-called "races" do not exist, being nothing but the result of an adaptation of human populations that have evolved into certain environments and climate.
Someone, among the traditional Jews, could argue that "Judaism as a religion would also disappear." Indeed, what a true "lay man" wishes to humanity is the disappearance of every religion and the rediscovery of "the spirituality common to all", the natural one, without distinction of sorts ...
Paolo D'Arpini - Lay Spirituality Committee

Testo Italiano
Un ebreo può essere “laico”? Dico “laico” in senso totale, poiché spesso ho notato che molti critici del cristianesimo o dell’islamismo si definiscono “laici”, mentre alla fine si scopre -per loro stessa ammissione- che appartengono alla comunità ebraica. Quindi la loro critica delle altre religioni è un po’ pelosa. D’altro canto ho conosciuto diversi ebrei, con i quali ho stretto amicizia, che dimostrano una grande apertura mentale e spesso non esitano a definirsi “atei” o perlomeno “agnostici”, quindi dal punto di vista intellettuale si potrebbero definire “laici”. Il fatto è che la religione degli ebrei, cioè l’ebraismo, non è una religione filosofico-elettiva , nel senso del pensiero, e quindi aperta a tutti. L’ebraismo è sostanzialmente una religione etnica, che viene tramandata fra gli appartenenti del popolo ebraico, cioè i nati da famiglia o da donna ebrea. Il popolo ebreo e l’ebraismo sono perciò un tutt’uno inscindibile.
Come avviene ad esempio nel bramanesimo induista, in cui i bramini dal punto di vista dottrinale possono appartenere a varie sette del Sanatana Dharma, possono essere vishnuiti, shivaiti, shakta e persino nichilisti atei ma continuano in realtà a mantenere la tradizione genetica braminica (sposandosi e riproducendosi solo tra bramini).
Ed allora quando smette un ebreo di appartenere all’ebraismo od un bramino alla sua casta, oltre alla rinuncia intellettuale elettiva?
La risposta è semplice: il momento in cui abbandona anche la tradizione genetica del matrimonio e della riproduzione all’interno della sua “etnia” o casta. Non essendoci più ascendenza-discendenza le caratteristiche genetiche vengono rimescolate e pian piano le tracce disperse assieme a quelle culturali.
Certo alcune caratteristiche dominanti restano. Ma scompare il senso di appartenenza al gruppo etnico. In un certo senso questa rinuncia alla “gens” è quanto fecero i romani antichi, che essendo originariamente etruschi, sabini, falisci e latini, etc. rinunciarono alla loro “famiglia genetica” per riconoscersi nella nuova cittadinanza romana.
Però l’esempio dei romani non è da considerarsi “universale” e definitivo poiché essi rifiutarono le precedenti origini tribali ma non si fusero con “l’umanità” in senso lato. Cambiarono soltanto il senso di appartenenza. Quindi va da a sé che una vera “laicità” deve avvenire nel ricongiungersi totalmente nell’ “Umano” lasciando da parte ogni altra identificazione con religioni, etnie, razze o dir si voglia.
Questo è esattamente il mio caso. Infatti i miei nonni paterni erano entrambi di origine ebraica, quella “pura”, non quella ashkenazita, che è composta da turcomanni convertiti nell’anno 1000 (vedi:http://www.circolovegeta rianocalcata.it/2013/12/25/ storia-di-come-e-nato-il- sionismo-ovvero-se-gli-ebrei- non-sono-ebrei-ma-khazari- convertiti/) e che a rigor di logica non è di origine ebraica semita, essi però durante il fascismo rinunciarono alla loro identità, forse per salvare la pelle o per simili ragioni. I loro figli, compreso mio padre, sposarono donne gentili, rompendo la continuità genetica, ed io a mia volta ho continuato in questa strada di allontanamento. Dal che si può affermare che la mia ascendenza-discendenza ebraica è nulla. Resta -come detto sopra- solo qualche caratteristica genetica: il naso grosso ed un po’ appuntito, l’intelligenza speculativa ed altre cosucce che non sto a menzionare.
Questo vuole anche essere un invito, rivolto agli ebrei veramente “laici”, allo scioglimento nell’Umanità a cui tutti noi indistintamente apparteniamo. Aldilà di ogni componente etnica. Riconoscendoci quindi nella comune matrice della specie e cancellando ogni vestigia di “razza”, che tra l’altro anche dal punto di vista scientifico antropologico non ha alcuna consistenza. Infatti la scienza oggi ha stabilito che esiste una sola specie umana e le cosiddette “razze” non esistono, non essendo altro che il risultato di un adattamento di popolazioni umane che si sono evolute in determinati ambienti e clima.
Qualcuno, fra gli ebrei tradizionali, potrebbe obiettare che “in tal modo scomparirebbe anche l’ebraismo come religione”. Verissimo, infatti quel che un vero “laico” augura all’umanità è la scomparsa di ogni religione e la riscoperta della “spiritualità laica”, quella naturale dell’uomo, senza distinzioni di sorta…
Paolo D’Arpini
Comitato per la Spiritualità Laica
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