domenica 27 febbraio 2022

La Terra è una, le divisioni sono tante... - The Earth is one, the divisions are many...


Come si fa a capire dove sono la destra e la sinistra, l’oriente e l’occidente, su una palla che gira a forte velocità nello spazio, attorno a un sole, e contemporaneamente si sposta verso un ulteriore vuoto, allontanandosi dal big bang primordiale? Eppure su questa piccola palla l’uomo ragiona come se la Terra fosse divisibile in settori, come se veramente avesse senso la separazione (sic) in stati e nazioni, in aree e sub aree…

Ecco, mentre la NATO, che si è allargata all’Europa dell’Est, costruisce le rampe di lancio di nuovi missili (verso chi?), in Donbass ed in Ucraina si combatte, in Siria la guerra va avanti a singhiozzo e anche in Irak, in Yemen si muore in silenzio; in Africa le notizie non arrivano e non partono più, ormai è terra di nessuno; in America settentrionale e meridionale ci si prepara al grande salto; in Cina, in Tibet, al polo nord… al polo sud…

Chi fa queste differenze, chi decide le ubicazioni e gli interessi strategici, di chi è questa Terra che tutti abitiamo?

La Terra gira, gira… e non cambia la sua natura di pianeta che non conosce frontiere e difformità interne alla sua struttura unificata: anche se fosse una palla da football con le pezze di diverso colore, ciò non impedirebbe alla palla di essere un omogeneo tondo di caucciù.

Sulla Terra l’acqua è acqua e si trova ovunque. L’aria è aria e spira in tutti i venti. Il suolo in cui gli alberi crescono, e che gli animali e gli uomini calpestano, è lo stesso suolo. L’umanità è la stessa ovunque. Se una donna esquimese si accoppia con un aborigeno australiano e i due prolificano, non generano certo muli ma esseri umani perfetti. L’unica cosa che cambia è la bandierina degli interessi, delle religioni, delle ideologie, insomma cose finte, cose di cui si può fare benissimo a meno e che invece determinano i comportamenti sino al punto di spingere l’uomo a uccidere, distruggere, dissociare…

Poveri umani… mettono i missili e gli antimissili, prevaricano le popolazioni più povere ma ricche di materie prime, sparano giaculatorie e stupidaggini nei templi e nelle assemblee, nelle camere e nei senati, e ingabbiano i recalcitranti… bravi! Ma ditemi come può essere motivo di disuguaglianza abitare in un luogo piuttosto che in un altro, credere in un’illusione piuttosto che in un’altra; non vi siete accorti, umani, che il pianeta è uno solo? E tra l’altro pure malandato, in seguito ai bistrattamenti subiti negli ultimi decenni? I mali che impediscono di prendere consapevolezza di abitare lo stesso luogo e di essere membri della stessa famiglia hanno un solo nome: ignoranza!

Ignoranza che poi diventa rapacità ed egoismo, conflitto fra individui e nazioni, disparità economica e razziale, divisione in classi, violenza verso gli “altri”, stupida arroganza di ritenersi nel bene. Da una parte una bisteccona sanguinolenta e dall’altra un minuto chicco di riso, da una parte la furbizia e dall’altra l’ingenuità, da una parte il valore aggiunto e dall’altra la carenza.

Osservando bene le cose, scopriamo però che… la Terra è rotonda… ci stiamo tutti dentro, ed allora?!

Paolo D’Arpini

English text

How do you understand where the right and the left are, the east and the west, on a ball that spins at high speed in space, around a sun, and at the same time moves towards a further void, away from the big bang primordial? Yet on this small ball, man thinks as if the Earth were divisible into sectors, as if the separation (sic) in states and nations, in areas and sub areas, really made sense ...

Here, while NATO, which has expanded to Eastern Europe, is building launch pads for new missiles (towards whom?), In Syria the war is going on in fits and starts and also in Iraq, in Yemen people are dying in silence ; in Africa the news does not arrive and does not leave anymore, it is now no man's land; in North and South America we are preparing for the great leap; in China, in Tibet, at the north pole ... at the south pole ...

Who makes these differences, who decides the locations and strategic interests, whose is this Earth that we all inhabit?

The Earth turns, turns ... and does not change its nature as a planet that knows no borders and internal differences within its unified structure: even if it were a football ball with different colored patches, this would not prevent the ball from being a homogeneous round of rubber.

On Earth, water is water and is found everywhere. Air is air and it blows in all winds. The soil in which trees grow, and which animals and men trample, is the same soil. Humanity is the same everywhere. If an Eskimo woman mates with an Australian Aborigine and the two proliferate, they certainly do not produce mules but perfect humans. The only thing that changes is the flag of interests, religions, ideologies, in short, fake things, things that can be done very well without and that instead determine behavior to the point of pushing man to kill, destroy, dissociate ...

Poor humans ... they put the missiles and anti-missiles, they bully the poorest populations but rich in raw materials, they shoot ejaculations and nonsense in the temples and assemblies, in the chambers and in the senates, and they cage the recalcitrant ... good! But tell me how it can be a reason for inequality to live in one place rather than another, to believe in one illusion rather than another; did you not realize, humans, that the planet is only one? And by the way, also run down, following the mistreatment suffered in recent decades? The evils that prevent us from becoming aware of living in the same place and being members of the same family have only one name: ignorance!

Ignorance which then becomes rapacity and selfishness, conflict between individuals and nations, economic and racial disparity, division into classes, violence towards "others", stupid arrogance to consider oneself in the good. On the one hand a bloody steak and on the other a minute grain of rice, on the one hand the cunning and on the other the ingenuity, on the one hand the added value and on the other the lack.

Observing things well, however, we discover that ... the Earth is round ... we are all in it, and then ...?!

Paolo D’Arpini

venerdì 25 febbraio 2022

Annunciazione: "I Ching, Zodiaco cinese e Sistema elementale indiano" - Annunciation: "I Ching, Chinese zodiac and Indian elemental system"

La spinta doveva per forza  venire con l'anno della Tigre d'Acqua, questo 2022, per  costringermi a  concludere il libro che da anni avevo messo in cantiere senza riuscire a scriverlo in forma compiuta. L'elemento Acqua è preposto alla trasmissione della conoscenza, insomma all'informazione,   e l'archetipo della Tigre si pone davanti a me, in quanto opposto alla Scimmia che io rappresento, obbligandomi a prendere una posizione risolutiva. 
Quest'anno potrei anche morire, se va bene, e quindi finalmente è giunto il tempo di  mettere nero su bianco i risultati della mia ricerca pluriennale su "I ching, zodiaco cinese  e sistema elementale indiano" (titolo o sottotitolo provvisorio). E stavolta il libro  dovrebbe  uscire in forma solida, in cartaceo, questo almeno l'impegno che si è preso l'amico Antonello Andreani, editore di Ephemeria.

 A questo punto, dopo l'Annunciazione,  una sommaria presentazione credo ci stia bene, rubacchiando  frasi pronunciate durante alcune sessioni tenute da qualche parte sul tema menzionato o riprese dal testo in questione.
Il Libro dei Mutamenti è un pozzo sapienziale dal quale è possibile trarre significati profondi diversi a seconda della comprensione di ognuno.  
E mentre la mente tenta, con le associazioni alle quali è allenata, di creare idee, ti rendi conto che devi lasciare andare immediatamente quelle stesse idee per accedere ad una "immaginazione analogica intuitiva",  perché "la  comprensione descrittiva" non può contenere tutta  la realtà...

Il Libro dei Mutamenti, I Ching, abbinato allo zodiaco cinese ed integrato con il sistema elementale indiano  è uno strumento per conoscere alcuni aspetti di  se stessi, cominciando da quelli personali,  ma dobbiamo essere consapevoli che la vera auto-conoscenza non ha bisogno di mezzi: nel momento che descrivo l'io, non-sono-Io... Il processo infine deve passare dal "conoscere l'Io", "all'Essere Io", attraverso la discriminazione (selezione intuitiva) e il distacco (essere testimoni).
Qualsiasi cosa sia osservabile e conoscibile, dal senso dell'io al mondo degli oggetti, lo è attraverso il movimento del positivo/negativo (Yin e Yang) e della manifestazione dei cinque elementi che da tale movimento prendono forma.    

Gli Elementi cinesi: Acqua, Legno, Fuoco, Metallo, Terra rappresentano forme energetiche:

La Terra vince l'Acqua
L'Acqua vince il Fuoco
Il Fuoco vince il Metallo
Il Metallo vince il Legno
Il Legno vince la Terra

E conseguenzialmente:

Dalla Terra nasce il Metallo
Dal Metallo nasce l'Acqua
Dall'Acqua nasce il Legno
Dal Legno nasce il Fuoco
Dal Fuoco nasce la Terra

E il ciclo si conclude o, meglio, ricomincia per percorrere una nuova spirale nell'eternità. Il continuo movimento è il modo espressivo dell'Unità. l'Uno è incomprensibile alla mente, perché è la nostra vera natura ma non è sperimentabile nella dualità. Possiamo mentalmente  vagamente intuire l'Unità, tuttavia non possiamo comprendere l'Uno, possiamo solo Esserlo al di là di ogni concettualizzazione.
Nella mente creiamo l’immagine dell’oggetto che osserviamo stabilendo nel frattempo una separazione tra soggetto e oggetto e ci rendiamo conto di “essere separati”. Da questa distinzione, o proiezione,  deriva la nostra identità personale ed il senso del mondo "empirico". Il mondo appare nella dicotomia di noumeno ("soggetto percipiente") e  fenomeno ("l'oggetto percepito"). Il  noumeno è la capacità auto-identificativa della coscienza di rappresentare se stessa in quanto "io", il conoscitore. Il fenomeno è la proiezione speculare, a cui esso fa riferimento, che viene riconosciuta come oggetto percepito, nel mondo dei nomi e delle forme.   Insieme creano lo spazio-tempo e la "realtà"  in cui siamo immersi.

Buon viaggio!

Paolo D'Arpini

English text

The push had to come with the year of the Water Tiger, this 2022, to force me to finish the book that I had been working on for years without being able to write it in complete form. The Water element is responsible for the transmission of knowledge, in short, for information, and the archetype of the Tiger stands before me, as opposed to the Monkey that I represent, forcing me to take a decisive position. 

This year I might as well die, if all goes well, and so the time has finally come to put on paper the results of my long-term research on "I ching, Chinese zodiac and Indian elemental system" (provisional title or subtile). And this time the book should come out in solid form, on paper, at least this is the commitment made by my friend Antonello Andreani, editor of Ephemeria.

 At this point, after the Annunciation, I think a summary presentation suits us, sneaking some phrases pronounced during some sessions held somewhere on the theme mentioned or taken from the text in question.
The Book of Changes is a sapiential well from which it is possible to draw different profound meanings according to the understanding of each one.
And as the mind tries, with the associations in which it is trained, to create ideas, you realize that you must immediately let go of those same ideas to access an "intuitive analogic imagination", because "descriptive understanding" cannot contain all the reality...

The Book of Changes, I Ching, combined with the Chinese zodiac and integrated with the Indian elemental system is a tool to know some aspects of oneself, starting with the personal ones, but we must be aware that true self-knowledge does not need means: in the moment I describe the I, I am not-I ... The process must finally pass from "knowing the I", "to Being I", through discrimination (intuitive selection) and detachment (being witnesses ).
Whatever is observable and knowable, from the sense of self to the world of objects, it is through the movement of the positive / negative (Yin and Yang) and the manifestation of the five elements that take shape from this movement.

The  Chinese Elements: Water, Wood, Fire, Metal, Earth represent energy forms:

The Earth wins the Water
Water overcomes Fire
Fire overcomes Metal
Metal wins over Wood
Wood wins over Earth

And consequently:

Metal is born from the Earth
Water is born from metal
Wood is born from water
Fire is born from wood
From the Fire the Earth is born

And the cycle ends or, rather, begins again to travel a new spiral in eternity. Continuous movement is the expressive mode of Unity. the One is incomprehensible to the mind, because it is our true nature but cannot be experienced in duality. We can mentally vaguely intuit the Oneness, however we cannot understand the One, we can only Be it beyond any conceptualization.
In the mind we create the image of the object we observe, in the meantime establishing a separation between subject and object and we realize that we are "separate". From this distinction, or projection, derives our personal identity and the sense of the "empirical" world. The world appears in the dichotomy of noumenon ("perceiving subject") and phenomenon ("perceived object"). The noumenon is the self-identifying capacity of consciousness to represent itself as "I", the knower. The phenomenon is the specular projection, to which it refers, which is recognized as a perceived object, in the world of names and forms. Together they create the space-time and the "reality" in which we are immersed.

Have a nice trip!

Paolo D'Arpini

lunedì 21 febbraio 2022

Accenno alla "Spiritualità Laica" - Hint on "Lay Spirituality"

Questo  discorso sulla "spiritualità laica" è rivolto a persone che non necessariamente hanno chiara la definizione, magari sono abituate a confondere la spiritualità con la religione...  Il sentire di una spiritualità   circoscritta in termini religiosi è limitata a quella religione, non ha un valore universale.  Al contrario  la spiritualità laica non ha nulla a che vedere con la religione.  

Spiritualità laica corrisponde ad una spiritualità naturale  non connessa ad alcun  credo. Però  dobbiamo dire che anche un cristiano od un  seguace di qualsiasi altra religione costituita  può riconoscere dentro di sé la presenza spirituale e per inveterata abitudine ad aderire al suo credo la definisce "cristiana" "maomettana" "giudea" ecc...

In verità la spiritualità e la vita sono sinonimi, indicano la stessa realtà coscienziale,  e quindi come  si può definire la vita "cristiana" o che altro...?

La vita è una sorta di "avventura", un teatro in cui lo spirito gioisce nell'esprimere  se stesso  e che descrive  il viaggio esistenziale dell’Io, e il liberatorio punto di vista di chi guarda il mondo  senza preconcetti,  ritrovando in se stesso, e al di fuori di qualsiasi credenza religiosa, la chiave per amare il Tutto, riconoscendosi in Esso.

La vita è semplicemente  esistenza, intelligenza e coscienza…

Riconoscendosi in ciò che è… si supera l'identificazione con forme  pensiero che non sono altro che costrutti mentali senza un riscontro oggettivo. Ed una religione come qualsiasi altra ideologia o filosofia è solo una griglia psichica che impedisce una chiara visione.  

La "meraviglia di Sé" della spiritualità naturale o laica non ha bisogno di identificazioni né di appartenenza,  essa è autoevidente. Il resto è solo "materiale aggiunto" (per soddisfare la mente)...

Paolo D'Arpini

Testo inglese:

This discourse on "secular spirituality" is aimed at people who do not necessarily have a clear definition, perhaps they are used to confusing spirituality with religion ... The feeling of a circumscribed spirituality in religious terms is limited to that religion, it has no universal value. On the contrary, lay spirituality has nothing to do with religion.

Lay spirituality corresponds to a natural spirituality not connected to any creed. But we must say that even a Christian or a follower of any other established religion can recognize within himself the spiritual presence and out of an inveterate habit of adhering to her creed defines her as "Christian" "Mohammedan" "Jewish" etc ...

In truth, spirituality and life are synonymous, they indicate the same conscientious reality, and therefore how can one define the "Christian" life or what else ...?

Life is a sort of "adventure", a theater in which the spirit rejoices in expressing itself and which describes the existential journey of the ego, and the liberating point of view of those who look at the world without preconceptions, finding in themselves , and outside of any religious belief, the key to love the Whole, recognizing oneself in It.

Life is simply existence, intelligence and consciousness ...

Recognizing oneself in what is… one overcomes the identification with thought forms that are nothing more than mental constructs without an objective confirmation. And a religion like any other ideology or philosophy is just a psychic grid that prevents clear vision.

The "wonder of Self" of natural or lay spirituality does not need identification or belonging, it is self-evident. The rest is just "added material" (to satisfy the mind) ...

Paolo D'Arpini

mercoledì 9 febbraio 2022

The ancient Middle Eastern civilizations prior to biblical fables... - Le antiche civiltà mediorientali antecedenti le favole bibliche...

How much have mythology, philosophy, history and various faiths contributed to respect for Nature?

To have some notion about the religiosity of nature, one should go back in time and precisely to the era of ancient civilizations with polytheistic beliefs, that is, more symbolic divinities interposed with the sacredness of the inviolable powers recognized in Nature.

Of course this concept was rooted in Asia Minor and Europe, but also in other areas, and gave birth to surprising myths and legends. Just think of the civilizations of the Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians, the Babylonians and many others. Unfortunately, with the eradication of the culture defined as "polytheistic", which in reality it was not polytheistic since those ancient civilizations took the forms of the gods as objectifications of Nature, what remained in history is the myth of the unique Archon, the god of armies in the Bible , also endorsed by subsequent Christian and Muslim religious differentiations.

According to the bible, the date of creation is set at 3761 BC, and with this "bullshit" everything that is antecedent and matrix of civilization is ignored.

In this context of the rediscovery of universal human values, which precede the fables about the various Jewish (and later Christian and Muslim) prophets and messiahs, it emerges from the Sumerian tradition, in the third millennium BC. (the same period in which the world had not yet been created for the Jews), the epic of Gilgamesh, then handed down for hundreds of years by many peoples of the Near East written in cuneiform characters on clay tablets (later found in Nineveh , the ancient Assyrian capital during some archaeological excavations).

Today a certain type of historical revisionism intends to restore the place it deserves to this king of Uruk, champion of human and naturalistic values. Gilgamesh is in fact the first historically certified hero to set out in search of adventures, to kill monsters, challenge the gods, travel to the ends of the earth determined to conquer an imperishable name with his deeds and discover the mysteries of life. In fact, Gilgamesh faces the supreme enterprise: the search for the secret of eternal life - a secret that only Utnapishtim, the only survivor of the Great Flood (another story stolen by the Jews and included in the bible), can teach him. He will finally return to Uruk full of a new awareness: on this earth death is the ineluctable destiny and wisdom resides in the enjoyment of this existence. From this we also deduce from where the subsequent Greek philosophy of epicureanism arose.

Several interpretations still exist today on the primitive matrix of religious thought developed in the land of the Sumerians, and subsequently spread throughout the Middle East. Professor Alessandro De Angelis, a well-known anthropologist and ancient testamentary scholar, wrote: "In the Sumerian texts of about 6000 years ago we speak of the god EN.LIL, who had the epithet of ILU.KUR.GAL, or" Lord of the great mountain "; he had three sons, one of whom was called ISH.KUR or" Lord of the mountain ", in fact the glyph KUR in Sumerian means" mountain "while ISH is a pun that derives from uniting the Akkadian ISHA ( sir) with the Canaanite ending ISH (mountain), a glyph that is translated into Akkadian as SHADDU, and which will evolve into Hebrew in El Shaddai, where El means "Lord", while Shaddai means "mountain". This is the epithet with which God will present himself for the first time in the Old Testament, when in Genesis 17: 1,2 he said to Abraham: "I am El Shaddai, walk in my presence and be perfect".

Ishkur will take the name of Hadad in Akkadian, while for the Canaanites it will become Baal Hadad. The Assyrians tried to concretize the first attempt at monotheism on the Semitic god Baal, however realizing that this god was not suitable to rise to this function due to its secular tradition, as well as the importance that his figure held in the Canaanite Pantheon, they understood that it would have been difficult to have the characteristics of other major deities transliterated on it. The solution for a transition from polytheism to monotheism was thus found by having the god Baal marry his half-sister Asherah, and the son born of their union was called Yaw El, where we can immediately see the assonance with the biblical god Yahweh. Thus the attempt at monotheism from the Phoenician god Baal to Yahweh was transliterated, this time successfully, so much so that we find in both the same epithet of Knight of the clouds. "

Another scholar, Stefano Davidson, objected: "All monotheistic religions do come from the same origin but this was Zoroastrianism. Zarathustra was born in the territories that we now identify as Iran more than 3000 years ago ...".

From other sources, however, different conclusions are drawn. According to current historiography, the Sumerians settled in southern Mesopotamia around 4,000 BC, but Indian sources anticipate that date to 5000 BC. (and even earlier) and trace the exodus to the period described in the Mahabarata, following the great war of Kurushetra, which should also correspond to the time of the sinking of the Sarashwati river in Punjab. of the city of Dwarka, the capital of Krishna submerged by the Indian ocean, and the mysterious destruction of Mohenjo Daro and Harappa (in Pakistan).

The Sumerians would be the survivors of the aforementioned cataclysms who took refuge by sea at the confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates. However it is certain that the Sumerians are of Aryan origin, as well as the Persians themselves, but the figure of Zoroaster (600 BC) comes long after the Sumerian civilization, in fact Zoroastrianism is a late reinterpretation of the Vedic religion.

In Bombay the Parsi community is still flourishing today, made up of descendants of Zoroastrian priests who fled from Persia, an island of Aryan culture and civilization, with the advent of Islam in that country. Ahura Mazda's religion is based on the worship of sacred fire while funeral rites involve the display of corpses on tall towers to be devoured by birds. Air and fire are two of the five elements present in the Aryan sacral tradition and in fact the Iranian civilization is undoubtedly of Indo-European origin. The antiquity and the origin of this civilization are still being discussed, as there are several theories on its formation.

It is however certain that the so-called monotheism is centered on the figure of the male Archon, defined in the bible as Yahweh, who is the national god of the Jewish people and is the same father god of the trinity of Christianity (which is based precisely on Judaism) and the one God of the third Abrahamic religion, Islam.

But it is only after the period of the Babylonian exile (6th century BC) that Yahweh is certain to have been promoted to the sole god in the Jewish religion, definitively supplanting El (supreme god of the religions of the Near East) and assuming his attributes (including the epithets El Shaddai, "God Almighty", and El Elyon, "God Most High").

This male divinity is the patriarchal response to the previous Matristic religion, dedicated to Mother Nature, which had characterized all human society until the late Neolithic. The replacement occurred in conjunction with the recognition of the greater value of paternity as a "supporting" factor and consequently as a stimulating element for a new religion and mythology in a masculine key. But the process was slow, having to justify itself with substantial facts that guaranteed its acceptance by means of historical consequentiality and allegorical meanings. Even in the Jewish region, at the beginning, the cult of Yahweh seems to have been accompanied by that of Asherah, often considered the consort goddess of El in the Canaanite pantheon. In several more recent Israelite inscriptions, however, she appears to be believed to be Yahweh's consort. In fact, thousands of clay statuettes, probably representing Asherah, have been unearthed and suggest that in reality the Israelites did not worship a single god in the monarchical age.

It must be considered that for the millennia before the patriarchy, women, as the primal incarnation of the procreative power of Nature, were worthy of love and devotion. Fatherhood was "ignored", seen as a sort of accident, a marginal aid to the woman's fertility. The mother certainly existed and this was an incontrovertible fact ... How then the procreative operation happened was left to the maternal moods that were influenced or solicited by the love directed by the males towards the mothers. In short, the father was a simple inspiring element to promote motherhood, not a primary factor but an incidental help ... But with the advent of the patriarchy everything changed and slowly, over the course of several centuries, the cancellation of the magnificent figure of Mother Nature took place, in favor of a male god and warrior.

Much later, but always in an area of ​​Indo-European civilization, we even see that it is the male god who creates from himself. And this is what happens to Jupiter who, not helped by his wife, produces Minerva from his own brain. At this point, times have already changed, patriarchy now reigns supreme, women are only mares (or ether good to satisfy the desire of the male), even love, the true and noble one, manifests itself among males (see custom of all masters and warriors to have little boys for lovers). At that time the status of women had already somewhat expired and in Europe or the Middle East there were pockets of resistance only here and there (for example in Crete).

Despite the great ostracizing campaign towards the feminine and Nature, in the Jewish tradition the transmission of belonging to the "chosen people" took place (and still is today) through the mother, the last Matristic remnant in the midst of a series of very patriarchal and misogynistic rules. . This misogyny was also assumed - in different ways - by the other two monotheistic religions: Christianity and Islam.

But the struggle against Matrism and Nature and historical truth in these purely male-dominated religions continues even at the level of the cancellation of historical artifacts that could allow the discovery of lies and patriarchal misdeeds. And once again it is the Jews who lead the cover-up campaign. Witness the frenzied attacks that the Italian archaeological expedition to Syria suffered by the Zionists. When Professor Paolo Matthiae discovered the Ebla site and the adjoining "library", which has nothing to do with "biblical" superstitions, he remembers these attacks and also remembers how muting was applied to the timely responses provided by Italian scientists to, let's call them religious objections. "When I was in Jerusalem they told me that under the Israeli concrete the excavations carried out by the Swedes in front of the Jaffa Gate also ended because they did not correspond to the religious fantasies of the writings considered sacred. And the same fate was applied not only, as they told me, to the excavations of Jerusalem, but to each discovery that does not "correspond" to said biblical fantasies that are still today transformed into history certified by God ".

There is still a lot to tell about the ancient civilizations of the Middle East, and we will do it in later installments!

Paolo D'Arpini

Testo Italiano

La mitologia, la filosofia, la storia e le varie fedi, quanto hanno contribuito al  rispetto per la Natura?

Per avere qualche nozione in merito alla religiosità della natura, bisognerebbe andare indietro nel tempo e precisamente all’epoca delle antiche civiltà con credenze politeiste, ossia più divinità simboliche  interposte alla sacralità dei poteri inviolabili riconosciuti alla Natura.

Naturalmente questo concetto era radicato in  Asia minore  ed Europa, ma anche in altre aree, e diede vita a miti e leggende  sorprendenti.  Basti pensare alle civiltà dei Sumeri, Accadi, Assiri, i Babilonesi e tanti altri. Purtroppo con lo sradicamento della cultura definita "politeista", che politeista in realtà non era poiché quelle antiche civiltà  prendevano le forme degli dei come oggettivazioni della  Natura, quello che restò nella storia è il mito dell'Arconte unico, il dio degli eserciti della Bibbia, fatto proprio anche dalle  successive differenziazioni religiose cristiane e musulmane.

Secondo la bibbia   la data della creazione  è fissata al 3761 AC, e con  questa "panzana" viene ignorato tutto ciò che è antecedente e matrice di civiltà.

In questo contesto di riscoperta di valori universali umani,  che precedono le favole sui vari profeti  e messia giudei (e successivamente cristiani e musulmani),     emerge dalla tradizione  Sumerica,  nel terzo millennio a.C.  (lo stesso periodo in cui per i giudei non era ancora stato creato il mondo), l'epopea di Gilgamesh,   poi  tramandata per centinaia di anni da molti popoli del Vicino Oriente  scritta in caratteri cuneiformi su tavolette d'argilla (poi  ritrovate a Ninive,  l'antica  capitale Assira durante alcuni scavi archeologici).  

Oggi un certo tipo di  revisionismo storico intende restituire  il posto che merita  a questo  re di Uruk, campione  dei valori umani e naturalistici. Gilgamesh è infatti il primo eroe  storicamente certificato a partire in cerca di avventure, a uccidere mostri, sfidare gli dèi, viaggiare ai confini della terra deciso a conquistarsi con le sue gesta un nome imperituro e scoprire i misteri della vita.  Infatti Gilgamesh affronta l'impresa suprema: la ricerca del segreto della vita eterna – un segreto che solo Utnapishtim, l’unico sopravvissuto al Diluvio Universale (altra storia rubacchiata dai giudei ed inserita nella bibbia), può insegnargli. Farà infine ritorno a Uruk ricco di una nuova consapevolezza: su questa terra  la morte è il destino ineluttabile  e nel godimento di questa  esistenza risiede la  saggezza. Da ciò si deduce anche da dove sorse la successiva filosofia greca dell'epicureismo.

Sulla matrice primigenia del pensiero religioso  sviluppato nella terra dei Sumeri, e successivamente irradiato in tutto il medio oriente,  esistono tutt'oggi parecchie interpretazioni. Il professor Alessandro De Angelis, noto antropologo e studioso antico testamentario, ha scritto: "Nei testi sumeri di circa 6000 anni fa si parla del dio EN.LIL, che aveva l’epiteto di ILU.KUR.GAL, ovvero “Signore della grande montagna”; egli aveva tre figli, uno dei quali si chiamava ISH.KUR o “Signore della montagna”, difatti il glifo KUR in sumero significa “montagna” mentre ISH è un gioco di parole che deriva dall’unire l’accadico ISHA (signore) con la desinenza cananea ISH (montagna), glifo che viene tradotto in accadico con SHADDU, e che si evolverà in ebraico in El Shaddai, dove El vuol dire “Signore”, mentre Shaddai significa “montagna”. Questo è l’epiteto con cui Dio si presenterà per la prima volta  nell’Antico Testamento, quando in Genesi 17: 1,2 disse ad Abramo: «Io sono El Shaddai, cammina alla mia presenza e sii perfetto».

Ishkur prenderà il nome di Hadad in accadico, mentre per i cananei diventerà Baal Hadad. Gli Assiri cercarono di concretizzare il primo tentativo di monoteismo sul dio semitico Baal, tuttavia resosi conto che questo dio non era idoneo ad assurgere a tale funzione a causa della sua tradizione secolare, nonché dell’importanza che la sua figura ricopriva nel Pantheon cananeo, capirono che sarebbe stato arduo far traslitterare su di esso le caratteristiche di altre maggiori divinità. La soluzione per un passaggio dal politeismo al monoteismo fu trovata quindi facendo prendere in sposa al dio Baal la sua sorellastra Asherah, ed il figlio nato dalla loro unione fu chiamato Yaw El, dove possiamo subito notare l’assonanza con il dio biblico Yahweh. Fu così fatto traslitterare, questa volta con successo, il tentativo di monoteismo dal dio fenicio Baal a Yahweh, tanto che ritroviamo in entrambi lo stesso epiteto di Cavaliere delle nubi."

Un altro studioso, Stefano Davidson, ha  obiettato: "Tutte le religioni monoteiste provengono sì da una stessa origine ma questa era lo Zoroastrismo. Zarathustra  nacque nei territori che adesso identifichiamo su per giù come Iran  più di 3000 anni fa...".

From other sources, however, different conclusions are drawn. According to current historiography, the Sumerians settled in southern Mesopotamia around 4,000 BC, but Indian sources anticipate that date to 5000 BC. (and even earlier) and trace the exodus to the period described in the Mahabarata, following the great war of Kurushetra, which should also correspond to the time of the sinking of the Sarashwati river in Punjab. of the city of Dwarka, the capital of Krishna submerged by the Indian ocean, and the mysterious destruction of Mohenjo Daro and Harappa (in Pakistan).

The Sumerians would be the survivors of the aforementioned cataclysms who took refuge by sea at the confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates. However it is certain that the Sumerians are of Aryan origin, as well as the Persians themselves, but the figure of Zoroaster (600 BC) comes long after the Sumerian civilization, in fact Zoroastrianism is a late reinterpretation of the Vedic religion.

In Bombay the Parsi community is still flourishing today, made up of descendants of Zoroastrian priests who fled from Persia, an island of Aryan culture and civilization, with the advent of Islam in that country. Ahura Mazda's religion is based on the worship of sacred fire while funeral rites involve the display of corpses on tall towers to be devoured by birds. Air and fire are two of the five elements present in the Aryan sacral tradition and in fact the Iranian civilization is undoubtedly of Indo-European origin. The antiquity and the origin of this civilization are still being discussed, as there are several theories on its formation.

It is however certain that the so-called monotheism is centered on the figure of the male Archon, defined in the bible as Yahweh, who is the national god of the Jewish people and is the same father god of the trinity of Christianity (which is based precisely on Judaism) and the one God of the third Abrahamic religion, Islam.

But it is only after the period of the Babylonian exile (6th century BC) that Yahweh is certain to have been promoted to the sole god in the Jewish religion, definitively supplanting El (supreme god of the religions of the Near East) and assuming his attributes (including the epithets El Shaddai, "God Almighty", and El Elyon, "God Most High").

This male divinity is the patriarchal response to the previous Matristic religion, dedicated to Mother Nature, which had characterized all human society until the late Neolithic. The replacement occurred in conjunction with the recognition of the greater value of paternity as a "supporting" factor and consequently as a stimulating element for a new religion and mythology in a masculine key. But the process was slow, having to justify itself with substantial facts that guaranteed its acceptance by means of historical consequentiality and allegorical meanings. Even in the Jewish region, at the beginning, the cult of Yahweh seems to have been accompanied by that of Asherah, often considered the consort goddess of El in the Canaanite pantheon. In several more recent Israelite inscriptions, however, she appears to be believed to be Yahweh's consort. In fact, thousands of clay statuettes, probably representing Asherah, have been unearthed and suggest that in reality the Israelites did not worship a single god in the monarchical age.

It must be considered that for the millennia before the patriarchy, women, as the primal incarnation of the procreative power of Nature, were worthy of love and devotion. Fatherhood was "ignored", seen as a sort of accident, a marginal aid to the woman's fertility. The mother certainly existed and this was an incontrovertible fact ... How then the procreative operation happened was left to the maternal moods that were influenced or solicited by the love directed by the males towards the mothers. In short, the father was a simple inspiring element to promote motherhood, not a primary factor but an incidental help ... But with the advent of the patriarchy everything changed and slowly, over the course of several centuries, the cancellation of the magnificent figure of Mother Nature took place. in favor of a male god and warrior.

Much later, but always in an area of ​​Indo-European civilization, we even see that it is the male god who creates from himself. And this is what happens to Jupiter who, not helped by his wife, produces Minerva from his own brain. At this point, times have already changed, patriarchy now reigns supreme, women are only mares (or ether good to satisfy the desire of the male), even love, the true and noble one, manifests itself among males (see custom of all masters and warriors to have little boys for lovers). At that time the status of women had already somewhat expired and in Europe or the Middle East there were pockets of resistance only here and there (for example in Crete).

Malgrado la grande campagna ostracizzante verso il femminile e la Natura,  nella tradizione giudaica la trasmissione della appartenenza al “popolo eletto” avveniva (ed è ancora oggi così) per via materna, ultimo rimasuglio matristico in mezzo a una serie di regole molto patriarcali e misogine. Tale misoginia fu assunta - in modi differenti - anche dalle altre due religioni monoteiste: il cristianesimo e l’islamismo.

Ma la lotta contro il Matrismo e la Natura e la verità storica  in queste religioni  prettamente maschiliste continua anche a livello di cancellazione dei reperti storici che potrebbero consentire la scoperta  delle bugie e dei misfatti patriarcali. Ed ancora una volta sono i giudei a guidare la campagna di insabbiamento.   Lo testimoniano   i forsennati attacchi che ebbe a subire la spedizione archeologica italiana in Siria da parte dei sionisti.  Quando il professor Paolo Matthiae scoprì il sito di Ebla e la "biblioteca" annessa, che nulla ha a che vedere con le superstizioni "bibliche", ricorda questi attacchi e ricorda anche come venisse applicata la sordina alle puntuali risposte fornite dagli scienziati italiani alle, chiamiamole, obiezioni religiose. "Quando stavo a Gerusalemme mi hanno raccontato che sotto il cemento israeliano finirono pure gli scavi effettuati dagli svedesi davanti alla Porta di Giaffa  poiché non corrispondevano alle fantasie religiose degli scritti considerati sacri. E lo stesso destino venne applicato non solo, come mi dicevano, agli scavi di Gerusalemme, ma ad ogni ritrovamento che non "corrisponde" a dette fantasie bibliche che ancora oggi sono trasformate in storia certificata da dio".

Sulle antiche civiltà del Medio Oriente ci sarebbe ancora molto da raccontare, e lo faremo in puntate successive!

Paolo D'Arpini