L’ecologia profonda analizza l’organismo, le componenti vitali e geomorfologiche, le loro correlazioni e funzionamento organico ed il bioregionalismo riconosce gli ambiti territoriali (bioregioni) in cui tali processi si manifestano in forma qualificata di “organi” territoriali e culturali. Come terzo elemento componente c’è “l’osservatore”, cioè l’Intelligenza Coscienza che anima il processo conoscitivo, da me definita “spiritualità laica”. Ovvero la capacità e lo stimolo di ricerca e comprensione della vita che analizza se stessa. E soprattutto la sua messa in pratica.
Secondo me non vale la pena di risalire all’inventore del termine “bioregionalismo” poiché, come in effetti è per l’ecologia e per la spiritualità, è qualcosa che è sempre esistita, in quanto espressione della vita, perciò nelle diverse epoche storiche questi processi hanno ricevuto nomi diversi: panteismo, genius loci, animismo, etc. Ed in ogni caso questi tre modi descrittivi sono indivisibili l’uno dall’altro, come è indivisibile l’esistenza. Diceva un grande saggio: “Noi non possiamo essere altro che una parte integrante della manifestazione totale e del totale funzionamento ed in nessuna maniera possiamo esserne separati” (Nisargadatta Maharaj).
Ed ora alcune espressioni al vento:
“E’ buona norma, nell’approccio bioregionale, prima di tutto tentare di conoscere l’ambito in cui si vive, delimitandolo attraverso lo studio geomorfologico del territorio, della flora e della fauna. La bioregione è un’area omogenea definita dall’interconnessione dei sistemi naturali e dai viventi che le abitano. Una bioregione è un insieme di relazioni in cui gli umani sono chiamati a vivere e agire come parte della più ampia comunità naturale che ne definisce la vita”
“L’idea bioregionale consiste essenzialmente nel riprendere il proprio ruolo all’interno della più ampia comunità di viventi e nell’agire come parte e non a parte di essa, corregendo i comportamenti indotti dall’affermarsi di un sistema economico e politico globale, che si è posto al di fuori delle leggi della natura e sta devastando, ad un tempo, la natura stessa e l’essere umano”
“La limitazione e separazione nella coscienza non è reale, allo stesso modo in cui la luce del sole non risulta compromessa o menomata dallo specchio, parimenti la pura consapevolezza è intonsa e non divisa dall’operato immaginario della mente individuale. Dove sono interno ed esterno per la coscienza suprema che entrambi li compenetra e li supera? In realtà la sola idea di una tale separazione è impensabile nella sorgente di luce che unicamente è..”
“….la necessità di “ridurre e dare delle spiegazioni” sta proprio nel distacco che la lo spirito intelligente ha nel momento del concepimento una parte del tutto si contestualizza un un modulo storico. La singola parte ancestralmente sa di appartenere al tutto e quindi nelle condizioni ristrette dello spazio tempo tende in continuazione (ascesi) a ricongiungersi con lo spirito intelligente infinito di cui fa parte e cui inevitabilmente tende..”
“Che cosa sarebbe la vita senza memoria?… Mi sono posta questa domanda osservando alcune persone ammalate di Altzeimer. Questi esseri, che pure hanno vissuto una intensa vita, di lavoro, di relazioni, di affetti, oggi per qualche strano meccanismo, sono “uscite” dalla realtà con cui non condividono più nulla…. Chi erano prima?…dove e come hanno vissuto? … appartenevano ad una cultura, ad un territorio, avevano un carattere, delle abitudini, celebravano dei riti, rispettavano delle tradizioni, parlavano una lingua o più d’una!…tutto questo è cancellato nella loro memoria…. Essi non ricordano più nulla… sono semplicemente dei corpi ancora in vita che vivono senza relazioni: respirano, mangiano, osservano ciò che gli sta’ intorno…..ma non sono collegati a niente… le relazioni originano identità….”
“L’attuazione bioregionale in chiave politica. Il Bioregionalismo ha due obiettivi: recuperare e tutelare al massimo l’ambiente naturale; ridisegnare nuovi confini delle regioni, tenendo finalmente conto delle loro caratteristiche etniche, ambientali, linguistiche, sociali e produttive. Il tutto in una visione della Stato che ”invece di amministrare se stesso, attraverso la sola tutela della burocrazia, (tra le più arretrate del mondo), si occupi finalmente e seriamente dei grandi problemi nazionali e della tutela dei cittadini”
“..l’immagine che si vuole evocare con la parola “bioregionalismo” un neologismo usato dallo stesso Peter Berg. Diciamo che il “bioregionalismo” contraddistingue un modo di pensare che muove dall’esigenza profonda di riallacciare un rapporto sacrale con la terra. Questo rapporto si conquista partendo dalla volontà di capire -riabitandolo- il luogo in cui viviamo. Una bioregione infatti non è un recinto di cui si stabiliscono definitivamente i confini ma una sorta di campo magnetico (aura – spiritus loci) distinguibile dai campi vicini solo per l’intensità delle caratteristiche che formano la sua identità, alla stessa stregua degli esseri umani, contemporaneamente diversi e simili l’uno all’altro…”
“Riconoscendo l’esistenza delle diverse realtà delle nostre quotidianità siamo in grado di coglierne la ricchezza e l’unicità, conservandone la memoria quale eredità culturale. Possiamo in tal modo cogliere l’anima del luogo dove abitiamo, ove mente e corpo si fondono in un atto profondo d’amore e di gratitudine verso questa terra che ci ha donato la vita, la quale racchiude le leggi cosmiche. Difenderla implica tutto questo, nella piena consapevolezza che esiste un’altra realtà molto insidiosa, quella della perdita delle identità, della distruzione delle culture con i loro paesaggi uniformi, prossimi ai deserti..”
“L’esperienza degli orti e dell’agricoltura urbana, seppur con qualche anno di ritardo, si sta diffondendo molto velocemente anche in Italia. Se esistesse una mappatura, vedremmo migliaia di puntini disegnati sulla cartina dell’Italia: gruppi auto-organizzati, orti didattici, orti sul balcone, aiuole coltivati a lattuga, orti sinergici. Tra tangenziali, cavalcavia, ponti, semafori, autostrade, ecco apparire qua e là un orto in tutta la sua bellezza”
“…non si può fare a meno della biodiversità, ovvero i sistemi naturali che sostengono la sopravvivenza di noi tutti. Osserviamo che ovunque avanza la desertificazione (non soltanto siccità bensì perdita dell’humus in seguito al dilavamento dei terreni di superficie), la deforestazione, l’utilizzo improprio dei terreni per produzione elettrica, l’impoverimento dei suoli dovuti a monoculture, la modifica dell’ambiente e, in generale, la dispersione del patrimonio biologico delle specie animali e vegetali, tutti aspetti che dederminano una perdita economica considerevole anche nell´economia….”
“L’unico “sviluppo” che consente la vita della biosfera è un processo completamente non-materiale, qualcosa che significhi l’evolversi di cultura, arte, spiritualità”
“Il nostro è un lavoro di chi ama osservare l’inverno che finisce e la primavera che avanza, sentire tamburrellare il picchio, sentire l’improvviso fruscìo degli stormi di fringuelli sopra la testa come l’ala di un angelo. Quale calcolo economico possiamo fare di questo lavoro, che faccia rientrare anche la sensazione di essere lambiti da un’ala di angelo? Ho cercato di dare un esempio piccolo e concreto di un modo di lavorare che abbia cura della terra e degli altri esseri perché vorrei fare una domanda. E’ concepibile un’amministrazione politica -di qualunque livello organizzativo- che legifera attorno a questa modo di lavorare slow?”
“…continuo a dedicarmi, in teoria ed in pratica, a questa ricerca, occupandomi magari di agricoltura biologica, alimentazione bioregionale, cure naturali, spiritualità e arte della natura.. Io personalmente sono giunto, per mezzo di esperienze vissute e di considerazioni e riflessioni sugli eventi, a condividere pienamente il pensiero ecologista profondo, il vegetarismo e la spiritualità laica”
“Il mondo è un grande laboratorio bioregionale. Forse non abbiamo bisogno di ricorrere alla Storia che con le interpretazioni di chi riporta, narra, commenta, fatti e comportamenti umani, non ci fa vivere o rivivere esperienze aderenti alla realtà dei tempi. Forse ci dobbiamo rivolgere a quel grande laboratorio che è il mondo oggi. Di fatto, in questo momento possiamo entrare nella storia, possiamo guardare a tutte quelle popolazioni presenti oggi nel mondo, che sono rappresentative di realtà che vanno da uno stato che non si discosta molto da quello primordiale a quello che rappresenta lo stato più avanzato della tecnologia. Questo gioco della natura ci consente un’osservazione diretta di sistemi di aggregazione sociale, culturale ed economica, di interpretarli e di cercare di capire che fare per superare le vecchie e le nuove miserie e di essere attori entusiasti nel progetto di costruzione di un mondo equo, solidale, felice, e quindi con un futuro”
“…per me ecologia profonda vuol dire: amore per la vita, per la natura, per gli esseri viventi, solidarietà umana, ognuno secondo la propria natura e le proprie possibilità: una tendenza a…. nei limiti del possibile. I cambiamenti non avvengono in un giorno, ma ognuno di noi può fare la sua parte”
Paolo D’Arpini - Rete Bioregionale Italiana
Testo inglese:
Deep ecology analyzes the organism, its vital and geomorphological components, their correlations and organic functioning and bioregionalism recognizes the territorial areas (bioregions) in which these processes manifest themselves in the form of qualified territorial and cultural "organs". As a third component element there is "the observer", that is the Intelligence Consciousness that animates the cognitive process, which I defined as "secular spirituality". That is the ability and the stimulus for research and understanding of life that analyzes itself. And above all its implementation.
In my opinion it is not worth going back to the inventor of the term "bioregionalism" because, as indeed it is for ecology and spirituality, it is something that has always existed, as an expression of life, therefore in the different historical periods these processes have received different names: pantheism, genius loci, animism, etc. And in any case, these three descriptive modes are indivisible from each other, just as existence is indivisible. A great sage used to say: “We cannot be other than an integral part of the total manifestation and of the total functioning and in no way can we be separated from it” (Nisargadatta Maharaj).
And now some expressions in the wind:
"It is good practice, in the bioregional approach, first of all to try to know the area in which you live, delimiting it through the geomorphological study of the territory, flora and fauna. The bioregion is a homogeneous area defined by the interconnection of natural systems and the living beings who inhabit them. A bioregion is a set of relationships in which humans are called to live and act as part of the larger natural community that defines their life "
"The bioregional idea essentially consists in resuming one's role within the wider community of living beings and in acting as part and not apart of it, correcting the behaviors induced by the affirmation of a global economic and political system, which it has placed itself outside the laws of nature and is devastating, at the same time, nature itself and the human being "
"The limitation and separation in consciousness is not real, in the same way in which the sunlight is not compromised or impaired by the mirror, likewise pure awareness is intact and not divided by the imaginary work of the individual mind. Where are they internal and external to the supreme consciousness that both penetrates and surpasses them? In reality, the very idea of such a separation is unthinkable in the light source which is uniquely .. "
“… .The need to“ reduce and give explanations ”lies precisely in the detachment that the intelligent spirit has at the moment of conception a part of the whole contextualizes itself in a historical module. The single part ancestral knows that it belongs to the whole and therefore in the restricted conditions of space time tends continuously (ascesis) to rejoin the infinite intelligent spirit of which it belongs and to which it inevitably tends .. "
“What would life be like without memory?… I asked myself this question by observing some people with Altzeimer patients. These beings, who have also lived an intense life, of work, of relationships, of affections, today due to some strange mechanism, have "left" the reality with which they no longer share anything…. Who were they before?… Where and how did they live? ... they belonged to a culture, to a territory, they had a character, habits, celebrated rites, respected traditions, spoke a language or more than one! ... all this is erased in their memory .... They no longer remember anything ... they are simply bodies still alive that live without relationships: they breathe, eat, observe what is around them ... ..but they are not connected to anything ... relationships originate identities .... "
"Bioregional implementation in a political key. Bioregionalism has two objectives: to recover and protect the natural environment as much as possible; redrawing new borders of the regions, finally taking into account their ethnic, environmental, linguistic, social and productive characteristics. All in a vision of the State that "instead of administering itself, through the sole protection of the bureaucracy, (among the most backward in the world), finally and seriously deals with the great national problems and the protection of citizens"
"... the image that we want to evoke with the word" bioregionalism "a neologism used by Peter Berg himself. Let's say that "bioregionalism" distinguishes a way of thinking that stems from the profound need to re-establish a sacred relationship with the earth. This relationship is achieved by starting from the desire to understand - by inhabiting it - the place where we live. In fact, a bioregion is not an enclosure whose boundaries are definitively established but a sort of magnetic field (aura - spiritus loci) distinguishable from neighboring fields only by the intensity of the characteristics that form its identity, in the same way as human beings, simultaneously different and similar to each other ... "
"By recognizing the existence of the different realities of our daily lives, we are able to grasp their richness and uniqueness, preserving their memory as a cultural heritage. In this way we can grasp the soul of the place where we live, where mind and body come together in a profound act of love and gratitude towards this land that has given us life, which contains the cosmic laws. Defending it implies all this, in full awareness that there is another very insidious reality, that of the loss of identities, the destruction of cultures with their uniform landscapes, close to deserts .. "
"The experience of gardens and urban agriculture, albeit with a few years of delay, is spreading very quickly in Italy as well. If there were a mapping, we would see thousands of dots drawn on the map of Italy: self-organized groups, educational gardens, gardens on the balcony, flower beds planted with lettuce, synergistic gardens. Between ring roads, overpasses, bridges, traffic lights, highways, here and there a vegetable garden appears in all its beauty "
“… We cannot do without biodiversity, that is the natural systems that support the survival of us all. We observe that desertification is advancing everywhere (not only drought but loss of humus following the run-off of surface land), deforestation, improper use of land for electricity production, the impoverishment of soils due to monocultures, the modification of environment and, in general, the dispersion of the biological heritage of animal and plant species, all aspects that result in a considerable economic loss also in the economy…. "
"The only" development "that allows the life of the biosphere is a completely non-material process, something that means the evolution of culture, art, spirituality"
"Ours is the work of those who love to observe winter ending and spring advancing, hear the woodpecker drumming, hear the sudden rustle of flocks of finches above their heads like an angel's wing. What economic calculation can we make of this work, which also brings back the feeling of being lapped by an angel's wing? I tried to give a small and concrete example of a way of working that takes care of the earth and other beings because I would like to ask a question. Is it conceivable a political administration - of any organizational level - that legislates around this slow way of working? "
"... I continue to devote myself, in theory and in practice, to this research, perhaps dealing with organic farming, bioregional nutrition, natural cures, spirituality and the art of nature .. I personally arrived, through lived experiences and considerations and reflections on events, to fully share deep ecological thinking, vegetarianism and lay spirituality"
“The world is a large bioregional laboratory. Perhaps we do not need to resort to History which, with the interpretations of those who report, narrate, comment on human facts and behaviors, does not allow us to live or relive experiences that adhere to the reality of the times. Maybe we need to turn to that great laboratory that is the world today. In fact, at this moment we can enter history, we can look at all those populations present in the world today, which are representative of realities ranging from a state that does not differ much from the primordial one to one that represents the most advanced state of technology. . This game of nature allows us a direct observation of social, cultural and economic systems of aggregation, to interpret them and to try to understand what to do to overcome the old and new miseries and to be enthusiastic actors in the project of building a fair world. , supportive, happy, and therefore with a future "
“… For me profound ecology means: love for life, for nature, for living beings, human solidarity, each according to his own nature and possibilities: a tendency to…. as far as possible. Changes don't happen in a day, but each of us can play a part of him "
In my opinion it is not worth going back to the inventor of the term "bioregionalism" because, as indeed it is for ecology and spirituality, it is something that has always existed, as an expression of life, therefore in the different historical periods these processes have received different names: pantheism, genius loci, animism, etc. And in any case, these three descriptive modes are indivisible from each other, just as existence is indivisible. A great sage used to say: “We cannot be other than an integral part of the total manifestation and of the total functioning and in no way can we be separated from it” (Nisargadatta Maharaj).
And now some expressions in the wind:
"It is good practice, in the bioregional approach, first of all to try to know the area in which you live, delimiting it through the geomorphological study of the territory, flora and fauna. The bioregion is a homogeneous area defined by the interconnection of natural systems and the living beings who inhabit them. A bioregion is a set of relationships in which humans are called to live and act as part of the larger natural community that defines their life "
"The bioregional idea essentially consists in resuming one's role within the wider community of living beings and in acting as part and not apart of it, correcting the behaviors induced by the affirmation of a global economic and political system, which it has placed itself outside the laws of nature and is devastating, at the same time, nature itself and the human being "
"The limitation and separation in consciousness is not real, in the same way in which the sunlight is not compromised or impaired by the mirror, likewise pure awareness is intact and not divided by the imaginary work of the individual mind. Where are they internal and external to the supreme consciousness that both penetrates and surpasses them? In reality, the very idea of such a separation is unthinkable in the light source which is uniquely .. "
“… .The need to“ reduce and give explanations ”lies precisely in the detachment that the intelligent spirit has at the moment of conception a part of the whole contextualizes itself in a historical module. The single part ancestral knows that it belongs to the whole and therefore in the restricted conditions of space time tends continuously (ascesis) to rejoin the infinite intelligent spirit of which it belongs and to which it inevitably tends .. "
“What would life be like without memory?… I asked myself this question by observing some people with Altzeimer patients. These beings, who have also lived an intense life, of work, of relationships, of affections, today due to some strange mechanism, have "left" the reality with which they no longer share anything…. Who were they before?… Where and how did they live? ... they belonged to a culture, to a territory, they had a character, habits, celebrated rites, respected traditions, spoke a language or more than one! ... all this is erased in their memory .... They no longer remember anything ... they are simply bodies still alive that live without relationships: they breathe, eat, observe what is around them ... ..but they are not connected to anything ... relationships originate identities .... "
"Bioregional implementation in a political key. Bioregionalism has two objectives: to recover and protect the natural environment as much as possible; redrawing new borders of the regions, finally taking into account their ethnic, environmental, linguistic, social and productive characteristics. All in a vision of the State that "instead of administering itself, through the sole protection of the bureaucracy, (among the most backward in the world), finally and seriously deals with the great national problems and the protection of citizens"
"... the image that we want to evoke with the word" bioregionalism "a neologism used by Peter Berg himself. Let's say that "bioregionalism" distinguishes a way of thinking that stems from the profound need to re-establish a sacred relationship with the earth. This relationship is achieved by starting from the desire to understand - by inhabiting it - the place where we live. In fact, a bioregion is not an enclosure whose boundaries are definitively established but a sort of magnetic field (aura - spiritus loci) distinguishable from neighboring fields only by the intensity of the characteristics that form its identity, in the same way as human beings, simultaneously different and similar to each other ... "
"By recognizing the existence of the different realities of our daily lives, we are able to grasp their richness and uniqueness, preserving their memory as a cultural heritage. In this way we can grasp the soul of the place where we live, where mind and body come together in a profound act of love and gratitude towards this land that has given us life, which contains the cosmic laws. Defending it implies all this, in full awareness that there is another very insidious reality, that of the loss of identities, the destruction of cultures with their uniform landscapes, close to deserts .. "
"The experience of gardens and urban agriculture, albeit with a few years of delay, is spreading very quickly in Italy as well. If there were a mapping, we would see thousands of dots drawn on the map of Italy: self-organized groups, educational gardens, gardens on the balcony, flower beds planted with lettuce, synergistic gardens. Between ring roads, overpasses, bridges, traffic lights, highways, here and there a vegetable garden appears in all its beauty "
“… We cannot do without biodiversity, that is the natural systems that support the survival of us all. We observe that desertification is advancing everywhere (not only drought but loss of humus following the run-off of surface land), deforestation, improper use of land for electricity production, the impoverishment of soils due to monocultures, the modification of environment and, in general, the dispersion of the biological heritage of animal and plant species, all aspects that result in a considerable economic loss also in the economy…. "
"The only" development "that allows the life of the biosphere is a completely non-material process, something that means the evolution of culture, art, spirituality"
"Ours is the work of those who love to observe winter ending and spring advancing, hear the woodpecker drumming, hear the sudden rustle of flocks of finches above their heads like an angel's wing. What economic calculation can we make of this work, which also brings back the feeling of being lapped by an angel's wing? I tried to give a small and concrete example of a way of working that takes care of the earth and other beings because I would like to ask a question. Is it conceivable a political administration - of any organizational level - that legislates around this slow way of working? "
"... I continue to devote myself, in theory and in practice, to this research, perhaps dealing with organic farming, bioregional nutrition, natural cures, spirituality and the art of nature .. I personally arrived, through lived experiences and considerations and reflections on events, to fully share deep ecological thinking, vegetarianism and lay spirituality"
“The world is a large bioregional laboratory. Perhaps we do not need to resort to History which, with the interpretations of those who report, narrate, comment on human facts and behaviors, does not allow us to live or relive experiences that adhere to the reality of the times. Maybe we need to turn to that great laboratory that is the world today. In fact, at this moment we can enter history, we can look at all those populations present in the world today, which are representative of realities ranging from a state that does not differ much from the primordial one to one that represents the most advanced state of technology. . This game of nature allows us a direct observation of social, cultural and economic systems of aggregation, to interpret them and to try to understand what to do to overcome the old and new miseries and to be enthusiastic actors in the project of building a fair world. , supportive, happy, and therefore with a future "
“… For me profound ecology means: love for life, for nature, for living beings, human solidarity, each according to his own nature and possibilities: a tendency to…. as far as possible. Changes don't happen in a day, but each of us can play a part of him "
Paolo D’Arpini
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